after over a year of an unknown drain on the battery, the cause was finally found after the guys kept the car for over a week and in between working on other cars kept disconnecting different elements to see what was causing the drain. it was the after market radio put in by Best Buy probably 15 years ago. they couldn't disconnect the radio because they had no ideas how it was wired in but something in the radio had gone bad and is constantly on. the solution was to remove the face plate from the radio which cuts the drain done to almost nothing. it is something we will have to live with, need to drive car longer a couple times a week and it may need a jump now and then. also when I went to leave with car part of the muffler system blew a hole so one of the guys drove me home and the next morning they put a new part on, under $300 thank goodness. I thank the guys for all their hard work on the car.
its always a pleasure to be able to help. thank you for being such a great return customer Ms. Cronkhite.
- Gages Lake Auto